Saturday, April 17, 2010


Jan Potter, WCC Volunteer and Divorce Class Facilitator
Angie King WCC President
Sonia Paz Baronvine WCC Board of Directors

Sonia Paz Baronvine getting the raffle tickets ready!

Raffle Items

Rev. Charles Archibald, Unitarian Universalist
Ed Martin WCC Volunteer
Bill Morem, SLO Tribune Colummnist
Paul Rinzler Jazz Professor Cal Poly
Robin Rinzler WCC Vice President

Our Family Law programs

Dianne Tuttle, Owner Academy Travel Consultants and member of the Commission on Status of Women.
Rebecca Said WCC Volunteer
Bill Morem SLO Tribune Columnist
Robin Rinzler WCC Vice President

Jan Potter WCC Volunteer
Sonia Paz Baronvine WCC Board of Directors

Information on our magazine "Women's Press "
and our annual fundraising event "Day With Creative Women "

Rev C Hite owner of Art Zero Gallery

Consuelo Mieux PhD Strategic Mentor, Organizer of the first Central Coast Women's Conference in Paso Robles and Member of the Commission on Status of Women.
Janice Fong Wolf Director of Programs at the SLO County Community Foundation.

Our Buffet with delicious food donated by our local stores.
Vons in the Marigold Center and Arroyo Grande
and San Luis Obispo Trader's Joes

Barbara Bellinger, Local Business Woman
Sonia Paz Baronvine, Women's Community Center Board of Directors
Diane Tuttle, Academy Travel Consultants and Member of the Commission on Status of Women.

Patricia Gundert Legal Assistant at the Women's Shelter, legal service program
Angie King WCC President
Wayne Bellinger Artist

In the middle of April we held a very successful Open House, to celebrate our move from the Goodwill Building last June to our new offices at the San Luis Business Center, and a good time was had by all!
Thanks to our sponsors for this event!!

Angie King , Robin Rinzler, Sonia Paz Baronvine
WCC Board of Directors


Here we are, Robin, Angie and Sonia Paz in front of our new office with the brand new WCC banner!!


Angie King, Robin Rinzler and Sonia Paz Baronvine

We are very happy to announce that our vice president Robin Rinzler has been awarded the "Progress for Women Award " by Cuesta College!!

This honor is awarded to a woman whose commitment to a particular program or issue of special relevance to women has helped to improve the quality of life for women.
As an example: arts, science, health, etc.
We celebrated Robin along with her family and presented her with balloons and cards!
She was glowing as she thanked the public, which included other recipients and the creme of San Luis Obispo women's volunteers.

Congratulations Robin on a well deserved award!

Sonia Paz Baronvine and Angie King

WCC Board of Directors


Sonia Paz Baron Vine and Angie King sitting at the WCC table