Sunday, December 11, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
If someone is financially “strapped” and unable to pay this amount, the WCC will allow them to come to the WCC office prior to the date of the Pro Per Clinic to bring proof of income and fill out a form to allow us to consider a
sliding scale fee. This fee can be anywhere from $39 down to $20.
This new policy was a board decision based on the last Pro Per where very few of the 17 participants paid any money at all, and one person, claiming not to have any money at all, later bought a book we had for sale. The purpose of the Pro Per Clinic has always been two-fold. One, and most importantly, is to provide assistance to women and their families when they were in need of family law advice or information. The second purpose, was to help the Women’s Community Center generate income. We needed to address this second issue, and this was the solution that the board came up with.
If you have any questions or concerns about this, please email
or call us at: 544-9313.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Audio Engineer
And finally Sonia Paz Baronvine , our Musical Director.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
We are so excited about our Day With Creative Women 2011 Music Show!
I invite all of you to come Saturday August 13, 2011 from 10 am to 5 pm
we will have dancers, singers and musicians perform at the Mission Plaza Garden’s Amphitheater, in San Luis Obispo, California. Corner of Chorro St and Monterrey St.
Bring your family and friends, sit on the grass and enjoy a day of fun and great entertainers. There will be varied booths with crafts, jewels, and art for sale, all hand made by creative women who have come from all over California to celebrate with the Women’s Community Center of San Luis Obispo County and the Commission on the Status of Women, the 37th year of Day With Creative Women.
In sisterhood,
Sonia Paz Baronvine
Musical Director

Dance Obispo is a ballet based studio offering classes for ages 2 – adults. We offer a full range of ballet, creative dance, pre-ballet, jazz/lyrical, and East Coast Hip Hop classes and in September we will be celebrating the start of our third year. We have an beautiful studio in downtown San Luis Obispo, and are looking forward to an incredible season. Dance Obispo is looking to become a destination for dance offering many in-house performances this year for the downtown area!Dancers, Kimberly, Savannah, Cathie and Linda. Visit their website@

Coastal Winds Ensemble is a professional classical chamber group organized by flutist Shelly Granger. Today we will be joined by John Dilworth on Bassoon and Linda Ashworth and Jessica Hoffman on oboe. We will be performing selections from Handel, Mozart, Schubert, Bach and much more. For more information contact

Is a troop of traveling performers . They specialize in creating a unique performance hanging from colorful fabrics. Visit their website@

is available for all occasions and offers musical selections ranging from classical to popular. Members of the group include James Riccardo and Ron Kiel, violins, Jessica Hoffman, English horn and Lynne Oliverius, cello. The group is a promotional wing of the Vines Symphony and all fees are 501(c)3 tax deductible under the symphony status. Contact the group at 815-228-2506,
Visit their website@ FaceBook

Sharon “Buffy” Doran on guitar and dulcimer is joined by Karen Wilkins and Sarah Jane Weiss on flute, vocals, and guitar.Their songs and arrangements are wonderful.A great way to end a super musical day at the Mission Plaza.Visit them on youtube@
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Just around the corner, this Saturday, August 13, 2011 the gardens of the Mission Plaza in San Luis Obispo will be filled with colors, laughter and music.
This is the 37th year that the Women’s Community Center of San Luis Obispo County celebrates Creative Women by showcasing their talents.
2011 is a special year, we have united with our sisters from The Commission on the Status of Women and they have added their efforts and ideas to ours.
Women from all over California will arrive early on Saturday with their crafts, jewels, silk scarfs, paintings, photographs, creams, food, and music!
The music show starts at 10 am and it promise to be a great one, we have groups from the Central Coast, from Paso Robles to Lompoc. Singers, ribbon dancers, flute players, string quartets, folk trios, ballet dancers, belly dancers…oh my!!
Looking forward to celebrating with my sisters once more, I invite all of you to share this information with friends and to bring them along!
See you there!
In sisterhood,
Sonia Paz Baronvine
Women’s Press
Monday, June 27, 2011

Day with CreativeWomen
Saturday August 13, 2011 10:00am-5:00pm
Mission Plaza San Luis Obispo
This festival features women’s creative visual and musical arts, each year on the second Saturday in August for the past 36 years.
This event is free to the public, showcases women’s creative arts and crafts by featuring vendors who offer their work for sale.
Musical entertainment from all genres, including belly dancing, acoustic guitar, flute chorales, singing choirs, drumming groups and everything in between provide music all day in the amphitheater at the San Luis Obispo Mission Plaza.
We invite you to help Sponsor this year’s festival
Major Donor $1500
Hang your business Banner in Mission Plaza the day of the event.-Logo on banner on day of event-Logo on all posters and print ads-Booth on day of the event
Major sponsor $1000-Logo on banner day of event-Logo on posters and print ads-Booth day of event
Sponsor $900 - $500 Logo on banner on day of event-Logo on posters and printed ads
Donor $400 Logo on posters and printed ads-Booths
$120 (late registration $130
Non-profits $60
Your donation is tax deductible! Tax ID #77-0516248
For more information, please visit our website
email at
or call us at 544-9313. Ask forRobin
Women’s community Center 1124 Nipomo Street, Suite D, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
W.C.C. - 805.544.9313
San Luis Obispo County Commission on the Status of Women

To organize and facilitate workshops, clinics, seminars, classes and support groups on subjects of interest and need.
To engage in and facilitate interaction among local, state, and national agencies and organizations working to benefit women.
Our charge is to be the voice that advocates equal commendations to enhance women’s lives by conducting surveys and outreach programs.
Business Address:
Business city and zip code
Business email address
Contact person:
Donor Level
The first 10 to register and pay by June 1, 2011 to receive your business name on our
beautiful huge poster circulated throughout the county.
Final registration deadline is August 12, 2011.
Please complete this form and mail with your check payable to:
Women’s Community Center of San Luis Obispo
1124 Nipomo Street, Suite D, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Business Name: ________________________________
Contact Person: ________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Description of Product or Services:___________________________________________
Electricity Required? Yes _____ No _____
Do you want an open booth (that is, patrons may walk into it) Yes __ No __
Pay with PayPal for your booth or send a check
$120.00 single booth/ $150.00 after July 13, 2011
$200.00 shared booth / $230.00 after July 13, 2011
$60.00 non-profit/ $80 after July 13, 2011
If you provided an email address, we will use it to communicate with you.
I understand that the Women’s Community Center will not be responsible for damage
or loss to any property during the course of this event. I have been given a copy of the Application Requirements, have read and understand them, and by signing below confirm
I agree to abide by them.
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________________
Sunday, June 26, 2011
This is a long ramble about men and women and politics and peoples’ private sins. We have had a long list recently of men in politics who have done despicable things in their private lives (leaving wives’ on death beds to marry eye candy; lying about one’s whereabouts to meet an Argentine mistress; being found a wife batterer by the courts; "sexting" to random women, etc, etc).
Note they are all men behaving badly. Two issues (well, at least two) arise here: which, if any, of these private acts impacted their ability to act publicly in the political arena, and, are women any different?
And, then, if the acts complained of do not impact the person’s ability to hold the public office in question, does it matter how they act in their private lives?
Yes, and no.
Yes, because in many if not all of the cases, the men involved have been hypocritical, in the extreme. The whole "C Street Gang and their mentors come to mind. They want to make your life miserable but exempt themselves.
Publicly embracing a Puritanistic code of ethical behavior for everyone with dire consequences for transgression, they blatantly violate that code and expect no consequences.
Do as I say, not as I do. I am above your laws, those laws you elected me to enact and enforce. Is that the kind of person we want in office?
Some outright lie about their behavior, which calls into question their veracity in other matters and their ability to fulfill their oaths of office, as in So. Carolina Governor Sanford. Others appear to have been just plain stupid, following that "second brain" that only males are endowed with – and you know what I mean.
Clinton, Spitzer, Wiener. In Wiener’s case, the accusation that forced his resignation was that his behavior had become a distraction that made his representation of his constituents ineffective.
In any case, whatever the reasons, women have fewer sex scandals, and even those who do, have demonstrated an ability to remain focused on their responsibilities in office, not succumbing to distractions.
They are perceived by the voters as better able than men to be problem solvers with the right priorities, according to Celinda Lake, a nationally known Democratic pollster.
So, shouldn’t more women be running for office given the current climate?
The Center for the American Woman and Politics at Rutgers University is promoting women to run for office in 2012. It will be the first election under newly redrawn congressional districts; many veteran legislators have already announced their retirement and others are expected not to run in 2012, thus creating an opportunity for new faces to emerge.
It is a Presidential election year, which always brings a larger turnout.
But they are not. Women were increasingly running for office, and winning, surging in 1992 (not coincidentally the first election following the prior census redistricting).
By 2007, women reached the densest levels in the Congress in 40 years: 17 senators (of 100) and 72 representatives (of 435), still not very good numbers. Since then, there has been a steady decline. Only 6 states now have a female governor; the number of women in state legislatures is down this year by a thousand over last year; only 21.9% of statewide offices (AG, treasurer, governor and lt governor, secretary state, comptroller, etc) are held by women, which is one quarter as many as 10 years ago.
As Geraldine Ferraro, a true political pioneer for women, once said, "Every time a woman runs, women win."
We can’t afford to miss the unique opportunity for that victory in 2012.
Once that door closes, it won’t be as wide open again until after the next census — and we can’t wait until 2022.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Our cover will feature a young local artist, Lena Rushing, her vibrant colors and feminine style subjugated me!
We have a new page about local women protecting the local environment.
A legal information page, with up to date, local assistance.
The WCC page with all the latest news, programs and workshops.
Our NOW page with excellent articles and information
And a global page, where we can learn what our sisters are doing around the planet.
I will let you discover for yourself the new style, and I hope your comments will be positive!
Send me your ideas, and articles !!
In sisterhood,
Sonia Paz Baronvine
Women’s Press
Monday, January 31, 2011

Vickie Steffensen, Robin Rinzler
Robin Rinzler,
Vice president
Rebecca Said
Janet Potter
Editor Women's Press
Sonia Baronvine
Board Members
Amber Baron
Shannon Scaife
Vickie Steffensen
Dianne Tuttle
We also welcome our new volunteers
Amanda Atkinson
Sharon Dobson
Debbie Hall
Mabel Jaramillo
Karen Wilkins
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Angie King steps down as head of Women's Community Center
Sonia Paz Baronvine to take helm
After more than 10 years as President of the Board of Directors of Women's Community Center ( WCC ),
Angie King announced her resignation at the January 2011 Women's Community Center Board meeting. King, who retired from her position as Director of Senior Legal Services in 2008, has a distinguished career in women's issues, for which she has been recognized with the San Luis Obispo County Bar Association John L.Seitz Award in recognition of community service, 2002; the League of Women Voters' Mary Rhodes Leadership Award, and Cuesta College's -Woman of Distinction Award, 1999
The incoming board president, Sonia Paz Baronvine has been a Women's Community Center Board Member since 2007 Nx hZ organized the all day entertainment at Day With Creative Women, the annual craft fair and fundraiser the Women's Community Center presents each year in August at the SLO Mission Plaza. She is also the current editor of the Women's Press, the Women's Community Center bi-monthly newspaper. Ms Baronvine is the founder and president of Mellowswan Foundation, a medical charitable international all volunteer non-profit foundation that helps orphans with deformities worldwide to attain medical care.
In addition to leadership changes, Women's Community Center also has a new home in a more central downtown location (1124 Nipomo St. Suite D )
The SLO County Law Library has agreed to house their monthly legal clinic for self represented litigants; and this past year saw the creation of a new service program BETTER (Building Enduring Ties That Enrich Relationships), providing low cost community based monitors for court ordered supervision visitation following divorce.
Programs for 2011 include the above, plus a "makeover" program for clients of the Women's Shelter Program, who will receive fashion assistance when returning to the workforce.
King says of her tenure at Women's Community Center, " A lot has happened in those ten years. Women's Community Center stabilized its infrastructure and budgets, expanded its programs activities, including the Family Law Action Commitee programs, and administered on-going grant awards from both public and private sources. During this time WCC also collaborated with a number of other local womane's organizations to produce succesfull seminars on improving women 's financial literacy." King added, " I think we have set up a base that will foster lasting relationship among those groups serving women in our county."
Friday, January 21, 2011

Women's Press has a new editor, Sonia Paz Baronvine who is a WCC board member has taken the post after Courtney Brogno our old editor had to resigned as family and work obligations made it hard to continue.
Sonia Paz will bring a new style to Women's Press with her cosmopolitan background and with the help of WCC President Angie King and Ashley Kircher our graphic designer among others, we are sure the Women's Press will continue to delight the women of our counties.
As always, articles are welcomed and volunteers too!!
Send your opinions, requests, articles, and ideas to