Day with CreativeWomen
Saturday August 13, 2011 10:00am-5:00pm
Mission Plaza San Luis Obispo
This festival features women’s creative visual and musical arts, each year on the second Saturday in August for the past 36 years.
This event is free to the public, showcases women’s creative arts and crafts by featuring vendors who offer their work for sale.
Musical entertainment from all genres, including belly dancing, acoustic guitar, flute chorales, singing choirs, drumming groups and everything in between provide music all day in the amphitheater at the San Luis Obispo Mission Plaza.
We invite you to help Sponsor this year’s festival
Major Donor $1500
Hang your business Banner in Mission Plaza the day of the event.-Logo on banner on day of event-Logo on all posters and print ads-Booth on day of the event
Major sponsor $1000-Logo on banner day of event-Logo on posters and print ads-Booth day of event
Sponsor $900 - $500 Logo on banner on day of event-Logo on posters and printed ads
Donor $400 Logo on posters and printed ads-Booths
$120 (late registration $130
Non-profits $60
Your donation is tax deductible! Tax ID #77-0516248
For more information, please visit our website www.wccslo.org
email at wccslo@gmail.com
or call us at 544-9313. Ask forRobin
Women’s community Center 1124 Nipomo Street, Suite D, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
W.C.C. - 805.544.9313
San Luis Obispo County Commission on the Status of Women www.slowomen.org

To maintain an accessible center to collect and exchange information of interest and concern to women.
To organize and facilitate workshops, clinics, seminars, classes and support groups on subjects of interest and need.
To engage in and facilitate interaction among local, state, and national agencies and organizations working to benefit women.
To organize and facilitate workshops, clinics, seminars, classes and support groups on subjects of interest and need.
To engage in and facilitate interaction among local, state, and national agencies and organizations working to benefit women.
The San Luis Obispo Commission on the Status of Women
is a official advisory agent of the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors.
Our charge is to be the voice that advocates equal commendations to enhance women’s lives by conducting surveys and outreach programs.
Our charge is to be the voice that advocates equal commendations to enhance women’s lives by conducting surveys and outreach programs.
Business Name:
Business Address:
Business city and zip code
Business email address
Contact person:
Donor Level
Business Address:
Business city and zip code
Business email address
Contact person:
Donor Level
The first 10 to register and pay by June 1, 2011 to receive your business name on our
beautiful huge poster circulated throughout the county.
Final registration deadline is August 12, 2011.
Email: wccslo@gmail.com or call the Women’s Community Center at (805) 544-9313
Please complete this form and mail with your check payable to:
Women’s Community Center of San Luis Obispo
1124 Nipomo Street, Suite D, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Please complete this form and mail with your check payable to:
Women’s Community Center of San Luis Obispo
1124 Nipomo Street, Suite D, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Business Name: ________________________________
Contact Person: ________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Description of Product or Services:___________________________________________
Electricity Required? Yes _____ No _____
Do you want an open booth (that is, patrons may walk into it) Yes __ No __
Pay with PayPal for your booth or send a check
$120.00 single booth/ $150.00 after July 13, 2011
$200.00 shared booth / $230.00 after July 13, 2011
$60.00 non-profit/ $80 after July 13, 2011
If you provided an email address, we will use it to communicate with you.
I understand that the Women’s Community Center will not be responsible for damage
or loss to any property during the course of this event. I have been given a copy of the Application Requirements, have read and understand them, and by signing below confirm
I agree to abide by them.
Contact Person: ________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Description of Product or Services:___________________________________________
Electricity Required? Yes _____ No _____
Do you want an open booth (that is, patrons may walk into it) Yes __ No __
Pay with PayPal for your booth or send a check
$120.00 single booth/ $150.00 after July 13, 2011
$200.00 shared booth / $230.00 after July 13, 2011
$60.00 non-profit/ $80 after July 13, 2011
If you provided an email address, we will use it to communicate with you.
I understand that the Women’s Community Center will not be responsible for damage
or loss to any property during the course of this event. I have been given a copy of the Application Requirements, have read and understand them, and by signing below confirm
I agree to abide by them.
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________________